Browse Items (73 total)

Wood 52.37ab.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Mr. P. Brady, Wolcott’s Case, Towanda

Wood 51.56.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from John Miller, Tamaqua, financial matters.

Wood 51.165ach.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Hugh McKenney (Barclay), Molly Maguires and Towanda, PA

Wood 51.155.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Father Daniel Magorien. Informing Wood that he is not in the best of health and sometimes has people in the room with him in order to help him while he says Mass

Wood 51.64.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Daniel O’Connor, Girardville, account of pew collections.

Wood 51.63.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Daniel O’Connor, Girardville, financial matters of St. Mary’s Church, Mahanoy City.

Wood 51.101ach.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Daniel O’Connor, about a Father Walsh, who states he is pastor of a new parish in Lost Creek, This is also a letter of protest on the split of the parish in Shenandoah.

Wood 50.53g.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Daniel Kennedy, report that he has seen Father Barry being overly friendly with another woman of the parish, Mrs. Passmore

Wood 50.53f.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Daniel Kennedy accusing Father Barry of Being “too familiar” with Mrs. Donahue

Wood 50.53d.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Daniel Kennedy, accusing Father Barry of being intimate with a woman who lived in his parish, Mrs. Donahue

Wood 51.992wmc.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from D.I. McDermott, financial status – St. Patrick’s, Pottsville; more accusations.

Wood 51.156ach.pdf
To Archbishop Wood, from D. Wagoner, Port Carbon, debt of $1,600.00 owed to Wagoner by the Church in Port Carbon (St. Stephen) – request that Archbishop Wood pay it.

Wood 51.166ach.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Citizens of Towanda, PA, church in Towanda, PA, and Father Toner.

Wood 51.55ach.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Anthony Brenken and John Miller, Tamaqua, request for Wood to assist them in paying their debts

Letter to Archbishop Wood from J.F. Shanahan about the Molly Maguires.

Wood 52.420diba.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Spalding of Baltimore, from Patrick F. Delaney (Tamaqua), Daughter’s problem married to priest’s brother; mentions Bishop Kenrick

Ryan 61.175acl.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Ryan, from Reverend H.J. McManus, McManus requests a change from Lost Creek parish; describes the winter conditions in general.

Ryan 61.172acl.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Ryan, from Aloysius Misteli, Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Churchville, PA, assignment to St. Clair, Pennsylvania.

Wood 51.1031WS.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Martin J. Spalding, from Bishop James F. Wood, the Fort Delaware Prisoners – Basil Duke’s stay at the prison; clergy passes

History and membership information for the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute.

Hand-painted photograph portrait of Francis A. Drexel. Oval shape. Note on back reads "Presented by Walter G. [i.e., George] Smith". Title taken from verso.

A sketch of the Belle-Air estate, the home of John Rudolph, as it appeared in 1842

Address of John O'Neill's to the Irish American.
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