Print from Harper's Weekly showing an allegorical figure of Lady Liberty protecting the public schools from two Roman Catholic Priests. Signed by Thomas Nast.
Print from Harper's Weekly, July 29, 1871. Print shows Lady Liberty, holding a whip labeled "LAW", choking a stock caricature of an Irish American holding a dagger.
Print from Harper's Weekly, September 30, 1871. Print shows children on a beach being attacked by Catholic Bishops with mitres depicted as crocodile jaws.
Print from Harper's Weekly, July 13, 1872. Print shows Uncle Sam, holding an axe labeled "Order", attacking a large snake with the head of a caricature of an Irish American, while Lady Liberty shields children.
Print from Harper's Weekly, October 12, 1872. Print shows Uncle Sam offering to free an American Catholic priest from the control of the Pope. Printed below title: "U.S. 'Allow me to Sever you from your Foreign Mother (Church). You are as able to…
Print from Harper's Weekly, November 2, 1872. Incluldes four small cartoons. "Our Foreign Ruler(?). F.K. 'I will do your bidding, as you are unfallible'" shows shows a man kneeling before the Pope. A Catholic priest in the background holds a paper…
Print from Harper's Weekly, December 19, 1874. Print shows a Catholic priest and another Man (a politician or lawyer) huddled in front of a court bench while holding a paper that reads "Reduce the salaries of the public school teachers." Printed…
Print from Harper's Weekly, January 15, 1876. Print shows the United States as Hamlet standing in front of a public school blocking a member of the Grey Nuns from entering as a teacher. Printed below title: "U.S. (as Hamlet). 'Go they ways to a…
Print from Harper's Weekly, March 4, 1876. Print shows Lady Liberty pointing at a tree labeled "Truth" that has been cut down and admonishes a group of children representing Irish Catholic voters supporting Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall. Two figures…
Print from Harper's Weekly, July 29, 1871. Two page spread showing various cartoons. The center cartoon depicts the Draft Riots of July 1863. On the right are cartoons titled "July 11" showing New York politicians submissive to Irish Catholics. On…
Print from Harper's Weekly, Sept. 16, 1876. Two page spread showing children holding the door of the "Public-School System" against a wolf that is trying to squeeze through. The wolf's collar is labeled "Democrats" and the tag is labeled "The Foreign…