Browse Items (1845 total)

Side 1 Brother Karl Kleinz: Prize Winning Speech Conclusion; Side 2 Untitled [song]

Side 1 Brother Karl Kleinz: Prize Winning Speech; Side 2 Untitled [music]

Prendergast 71.136ach.pdf
Letter to Very Reverend Peter Masson and Bishop Prendergast, from Reverend Ladislas Kloucheck, the new buildings at Immaculate Conception Parish, St. Clair.

Prendergast 71.200acl.pdf
Letter to Very Reverend Peter Masson, Allentown, from Reverend Ladislas Kloucheck, Reverend Kloucheck is leaving the diocese because of a conflict with the Bishop.

Prendergast 71.201acl.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Prendergast, from Father Ladislas Kloucheck, St. Clair, Pennsylvania, the Bishop is asked not to accept the priest‟s letter of resignation

Portrait of Rev. Thomas N. Burke, seated. Appears to be a lithograph of a painting by G. A. Klucken. Klucken's signature appears in the bottom right hand corner of the portrait. Published by Patrick Donahoe, Boston, Mass. Lithograph by Chas. H.…

Cartoon highlights the need to refocus the attention of the holiday and push away the distractions of parties and gifts.

The high costs of a Catholic education has led to an entire generation of Catholic children being unable to attend parochial schools.

The promise of tax credits from politicians never seem to materialize while Catholic parents are struggling under the weight of taxes and tuition.

Knudsen compares the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) to a robin announcing the thaw of winter. Beginning with negotiations in 1969, SALT resulted in an agreement to limit the number of ballistic missiles held by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.

The arms race is compared to a parasitic plant grown by hate that will drain the life from the planet.

Despite the suppression of religion in the Warsaw Pact countries, Catholicism in Poland not only survived but thrived as many Poles saw their religion as a way to oppose communism.

With the establishment of communism in Eastern Europe and Korea, Knudsen highlights that its forces will accept nothing but total victory in Vietnam.

Architectural drawing of facade for Roman Catholic Cathedral (church name not included). Includes small groundplan.

Architectural drawing of facade for Church of St. Malachi (i.e., Malachy).

Architectural drawing of the ground plan of Church of St. Malachi (i.e., Malachy).

Architectural drawing of front of church.

Architectural drawing of ground plan of altar of St. Francix Xavier Church.

Architectural drawing of grand altar of St. Francis Xavier Church.

Architectural drawing of side view St. Francis Xavier Church.

Architectural drawing of ground plan of St. Peter the Apostle Church.

Architectural drawing of front view of unidentified church (possibly St. Peter the Apostle).

Architectural drawing of basement of unidentified church. May be St. Peter the Apostle Church (Philadelphia) based on date of the drawing.

Architectural drawing of ground plan of unidentified church (possibly St. Augustine).

Architectural drawing of principal floor of St. Augustine Church.

Architectural drawing of altar (church unknown).

Architectural drawing of sections of St. Augustine Church, showing sections for altar and organ.

Architectural drawing of interior of St. Augustine Church.

Architectural drawing of front view of St. Vincent's Seminary.

Architectural drawing of ground plan of first floor of St. Vincent's Seminary.

Architectural drawing of ground plan of second floor of St. Vincent's Seminary.

Architectural drawing of ground plan of third floor of St. Vincent's Seminary.

Architectural drawing of altar of St. Vincent de Paul's Church.

Architectural drawing of high altar of St. Vincent de Paul's Church in Germantown.

Architectural drawing of altar of St. Vincent de Paul's Church in Germantown.

Prendergast 71.669con.pdf
Letter undressed by M. F. Kopytkiewicz concerning the “Kickers” of Shenandoah.

Colored lithograph print of Church of the Assumption in Philadelphia. Printed below lithograph: "On stone by P. Kraemer. P.S. Duval, Lith., Phila."

Envelope to Cardinal Dougherty, from Charles H. Krause, Sr. Contacts a booklet, “An Unanswerable Reply to the Roman Catholic Church," which is an anti-Catholic publication against Al Smith, the Pope, and most Catholic practices.

Correspondence between Cardinal Krol and Dorothy Day about attending the IEC.

Letter to James Cardinal Knox from John Cardinal Krol regarding the theme for the IEC.

Prendergast 71.203acl.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Prendergast, from Father Emerich Kucharic, Palmerton Parish Problem. In his letter, Father Kucharic denies all charges; attached is a full report of the problem at Palmerton, Father Kucharis is ordered to leave by the Bishop…

Wood 52.190acl.pdf
Letter to Bishop Wood, from Reverend Julius Kuenzer, request for his brother, Reverend Rudolph Kuenzer to come to Philadelphia

Photograph of Silver Anniversary Dinner in honor of Msgr. Casimir F. Lawniczak, pastor of St. John Cantius Parish (Polish), Philadelphia, Pa. Photographer's mark appears in bottom right corner.

Side 1 La Salle College Christian Brothers: Musical; Side 2 Untitled

Side 1 La Salle College Christian Brothers: Musical Conclusion; Side 2 Untitled

Side 1 La Salle College Students: Notable Men in Negro History; Side 2 Brother Thomas: Conclusion of Program

Side 1 La Salle College Students: Dating Conclusion; Side 2 Blank

Side 1 LaSalle College Students: Debate on F.E.P.C.; Side 2 Grail Choir Group: Liturgical Music

Side 1 La Salle College Students: Debate Tariffs; Side 2 Untitled

Side 1 La Salle College Students: How They Get Along in College; Side 2 Untitled [segments of programs]
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