Browse Items (1845 total)

Mexico 4b.jpg
Newspaper article describing the crowds gathered for the Mass protesting the Persecution of the Church in Mexico.

Mexico 15a.jpg
Newspaper article describing the planning process for the meeting in Philadelphia.

Mexico 8a.jpg
Newspaper article describing the begging stages of the public protest organized in Philadelphia against the persecution of the Church in Mexico.

Mexico 7a.jpg
Newspaper describing the attempts by the Mexican government to limit the number of priests serving throughout the country.

Map of religious sites in Old City Philadelphia neighborhood. Ran in Catholic Standard & Times Supplement (Volume 80, Number 43, June 26, 1975). Internal memo adhered to verso indicating that this is a corrected version of the map. Verso also…

Autographed photogravure of 1903 portrait painting of Pope Pius X by Henry Jones Thaddeus. Three quarter length portrait. Printed below photo: "Copyright 1904 by H. Jones Thaddeus. Photogravure, Lascelles, London." Published by The Catholic…

A sermon on the festival of St. Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland.

Photograph portrait of Reverend Aloysius Leitner. According to extensive notes on verso, this is the only known photograph of this priest, a professor at Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, MD, later stationed at St. Peter's Church, Columbia, PA from…

The portrait of Pius IX is set within the text of the Bull of Excommunication addressed to all those participating in revolutionary activities within the Romagna or in activities to usurp the lands of the Romagna. Printed at bottom of portrait:…


Side 1 Students of La Salle College: Why I'm Attending College; Side 2 Ralph Allen: Life of Blessed Martin

Students of La Salle and Chestnut Hill College: Side 1 We're not Prejudiced, But; Side 2 Blank

Side 1 Mr. John S Strokes Jr.: Mary's Garden; Side 2 Untitled [intros and drafts]

Portrait photograph of Bishop Thomas Shahan, Rector of Catholic University. Notes on verso read "Bishop Thomas Shahan, Consecrated Bishop of Germanicopolis, Rector of Catholic University". Photographer's stamp below photograph reads "Stein." Title…

Autographed photograph portrait of Thomas Shahan, rector of Catholic University of America, 1909-1927, and titular bishop of Germanicopolis (Turkey). Photographer's stamp appears below photograph and reads "Stein" (?).


Group photograph of clergy at the jubilee dinner for Dennis Cardinal Dougherty in 1946. Signed by "Stanlee Photo, Phila, Pa."

St. Charles Borromeo Church (Oakview/Drexel Hill). 100th Anniversary Banquet, 1949. Photographer's mark in bottom right corner: "Standard Photo Service Co., 1339 South Street, Phila., PA." Title devised by cataloger.

St. Theresa's Choir: Side 1 Come Holy Ghost & Ave Mater Virgo; Side 2 Veni Jesu & Ave Marie

Side 1 St. Teresa's Choir: Mother Dear Pray for Me; Side 2 Untiled

Solemn Triduum in Honor of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary held at St. Matthew's Church, Philadelphia, Pa. in 1939

Side 1 St. Joseph Prep Students: Farewell Address; Side 2 Blank

Side 1 St. Joseph Prep Students: Conclusion of Discussion and untitled; Side 2 Untitled

Side 1 St. Joseph Prep Students: Discussion; Side 2 Untitled

Side 1 Conclusion of St. Joseph Glee Club; Side 2 Conclusion of The New City Government

Side 1 St. Ignatius Choir: Regina Coeli; Side 2 Untitled [misc chatter and intro]

Side 1 St. Ignatius Choir: Glory to Christ the King; Side 2 St. Ignatius Choir: Jesu Saluator Mundi & O Bone Jesu

St. Elizabeth Choir: Spiritual Jubilee singers

St. Charles Seminary Choir: Side A Jersusalem Surge #7020 and Side B blank

St. Charles Seminary Choir: Side A Jersusalem Surge Side B Hum Closing 4/16/1946

St. Charles Seminary Choir: Side A Christus Factus Est Side B Eastimatus Sum 4/16/1946

St. Charles Seminary Choir: Side A “Ecce Qoumodo Moritur Justus” Side B “ Vinea Mea Electa” 4/16/1946

St. Charles Seminary Choir: Side A “In Monte Oliveti” Side B “Tenebrae Factie Sunt” 4/16/1946

St. Charles Seminary Choir: Side A “Tristis Est Anima Mea” Side B “Omnes Amici Mei” 4/16/1946

St. Charles Seminary Choir: 1954 Holy Week Responses

St. Charles Seminarians: Tokens of Our Rejoicing: Liturgical Music from St. Charles Seminary


Portrait lithograph of Bishop Bernard Claude Panet, Bishop of Quebec. Published by Fabre, Perrault & cie [i.e., Edouard-Raymond Fabre and Louis Perrault]. Printed below title: "Drawn by Sproule" [i.e., Robert Auchmuty Sproule]; "Bourne, Lith." [i.e.,…

Appears to be side view of St. Francis Orphan Asylum and gardens. Signed "Jacob John Spoon, Landscape Architect. White Plains, N.Y."

Front view of St. Francis Orphan Asylum and gardens. Signed "Jacob John Spoon, Landscape Architect. White Plains, N.Y."

Lithograph of St. Dominic Catholic Church in Clinton County, Illinois. Surrounded by vignettes of Rev. August Reineke (Pastor), schoolhouse, convent, parsonage, and teacher's residence. Signed J.W.S. (perhaps Joseph Winifred Spenceley?).

Correspondence between Cardinal Dougherty and Spanish Nationalist Relief Committee, relief for war-torn Spain

Letter to Mary Brackett Willcox from Edward J. Sourin, S.J., March 4, 1843.

Kenrick color.jpg
Colored lithograph portrait of Francis Patrick Kenrick. Printed below lithograph: "Published by W. Smith, Print Seller, 706 South 3d, Philada, Pa." Printed below title: "From a painting in the possession of Bishop Wood."

Portrait print of Archbishop Patrick Ryan. Credit line below print reads "Published by William Smith, Print Seller, 33 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa."

Flu 13b.jpg
Letter from Mayor Of Philadelphia to the Archdiocese for help in the fight against the flu.

: Interracial Justice

Wood 51.182.pdf
Letter to Mr. Healy, from Reverend James J. Smith, stating when Reverend McDermott’s burial would be.

Print from Harper's Weekly, October 24, 1885. Print shows Cardinal McCloskey of New York, lying in state in St. Patrick's Cathedral.

Photograph of St. Martin's Chapel interior, possibly Benediction or Corpus Christi in 1902. Inscribed in bottom left of photo: "Sliker Photo. No. 1340" (i.e., Sliker Photo Studio in Bridesburg, Pa.). Title devised by cataloger.
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