Browse Items (1845 total)

Woman's Progress_v2_n5_1894_02_web.pdf
Periodical that sought to be a high class monthly magazine devoted to the best interests of Women. Its goal was to keep women informed of the various opportunities that are open to them; of their political status in different parts of the world; and…

Woman's Progress_v2_n4_1894_01_web.pdf
Periodical that sought to be a high class monthly magazine devoted to the best interests of Women. Its goal was to keep women informed of the various opportunities that are open to them; of their political status in different parts of the world; and…

Woman's Progress_v2_n3_1893_12_web.pdf
Periodical that sought to be a high class monthly magazine devoted to the best interests of Women. Its goal was to keep women informed of the various opportunities that are open to them; of their political status in different parts of the world; and…

Woman's Progress_v2_n2_1893_11_web.pdf
Periodical that sought to be a high class monthly magazine devoted to the best interests of Women. Its goal was to keep women informed of the various opportunities that are open to them; of their political status in different parts of the world; and…

Woman's Progress_v2_n1_1893_10_web.pdf
Periodical that sought to be a high class monthly magazine devoted to the best interests of Women. Its goal was to keep women informed of the various opportunities that are open to them; of their political status in different parts of the world; and…

Woman's Progress_v1_n6_1893_09_web.pdf
Periodical that sought to be a high class monthly magazine devoted to the best interests of Women. Its goal was to keep women informed of the various opportunities that are open to them; of their political status in different parts of the world; and…

Woman's Progress_v1_n1_1893_04_web.pdf
Periodical that sought to be a high class monthly magazine devoted to the best interests of Women. Its goal was to keep women informed of the various opportunities that are open to them; of their political status in different parts of the world; and…

Letter to Frances Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell. Discusses use of a trunk.

Letter to John Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell. Discusses a visit to Newport Connecticut and other family matters.

Letter to John Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell, wishing John a happy birthday.

Letter to John Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell. Discusses visiting Providence, Rhode Island and other family events.

Letter to John Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell. Discusses books and family events.

Letter to William Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell. Discusses death of the family dog.

Letter to William Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell. Discusses death of the family dog.

MC90_B11_F13_undated postcard 1.pdf
Postcard to Sarah Jane Campbell.

MC90_B11_F13_undated letter 1.pdf
Letter to William James Campbell from the Marianne Campbell, inviting his wife, Elizabeth, to a party.

Letters Testamentary: Will of Marianne Campbell

Letter to John James Campbell from the Marianne Campbell, asking him to join her in Rhode Island.

Postcard to Sarah Jane Campbell from the Marianne Campbell

Letter to William Martin Campbell from the Marianne Campbell, describes her trip through Italy and mentions an audience with the Pope.

Letter to Elizabeth A. Campbell from Marianne Campbell describes her tour around Europe.

Postcard to Sarah Jane Campbell from the Marianne Campbell.

Postcard to Sarah Jane Campbell from the Marianne Campbell with the family tartan.

Letter to John James Campbell from the Marianne Campbell, with ticket for art exhibit event at the Academy of Fine Arts.

Letter to William James Campbell from the Marianne Campbell, discusses times Margaret can pay Marianne.

Letter to William James Campbell from the Marianne Campbell, recipe for dying casts and life updates.

Letter to William James Campbell from the Marianne Campbell, about life in Easthampton.

Letter to Marianne Campbell from Margaret Campbell, discusses her family and a possible trip to Philadelphia.

Letter to Sarah Jane Campbell from Charles Campbell about Elizabeth Campbell.

Side 1 Robert Callagham: City-County Consolidation; Side 2 Anna McGarry: Saint Pius X

Lithograph of a painting of Maurice D'Aussac de St. Palais, Bishop of Vincennes (later Indianapolis), Indiana. Printed below portrait: "CH Vogt Lith. 1852."; "Peint par Darjou, Paris, 1851." Original painting by Alfred-Henri Darjou (1851); lithograph…

Letter to Cardinal Dougherty from William J. Byrnes, Jr., Re: Seminarians and Epidemic of 1918 around Lower Merion, flu epidemic


Pamphlet on the theology of the Resurrection

Side 1 Margaret Burns accompanied by V.L. Thompson: Panis Angelicus, Bless this House, Sould of My Saviour; Side 2 Untitled

Side 1 Margaret Burns accompanied by V.L. Thompson: Ave Maria; Side 2 Brother Augustine: Editors of CIM

Emblematic print illustrating the celestial city (Holy Jerusalem), floating above earth, surrounded by scenes of everyday life. The numbers and letters around the image refer to an explanatory key, which PAHRC does not possess. (Source: The British…

Side 1 Rev. Walter Burgardt: God's Blueprint for Women; Side 2 Anna McGarry: Characters that Make American Great

Prendergast-Buggy letter.pdf
To Archbishop Prendergast, from Bernard J. Buggy, problems with his son who was in the Boys‟ Catholic High School.

Letter to Cardinal Dougherty, from Bishop Peter Bucys. Conditions for permitting Right Reverend Joseph Zuk to return to the Catholic Church

Photograph of wax depiction of the crucifixion. This was the only exhibit remaining after a fire at the Temple Theatre and Egyptian Musee. Printed in bottom left corner of photograph: "Copyright 1887 by Geo. C. Brotherton" (i.e., George Childs…

Portrait photograph of Bishop Joseph McShea, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia. Autographed to Rev. George O'Donnell and dated March 19, 1952. Photographer's signature appears in bottom right corner.

P001.0488 .pdf
Valedictory address delivered at the annual commencement of Georgetown College,

Wood 51.55ach.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Anthony Brenken and John Miller, Tamaqua, request for Wood to assist them in paying their debts

Pamphlet on Papal Infallibility.

Wood 52.47ab.pdf
Letter to Bishop Wood, from P. Brady, accounts of the case received by Brady.

Wood 52.37ab.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Mr. P. Brady, Wolcott’s Case, Towanda

Wood 52.53ab.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from P. Brady, (Easton, Pennsylvania), signature for deed for Mr. Phelps, Towanda.

Wood 52.45ab.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from P. Brady, land problems and timber stealing; Duchess of Leeds property

Wood 52.44ab.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from P. Brady, land of Duchess of Leeds; convent; timber lands in Lycoming County
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