Browse Items (354 total)

100.5.1921, January 29.JPG
Photograph of First Annual Banquet of Philadelphia Diocesan Union of Holy Name Societies held at the Adelphia Hotel, Philadelphia, PA. Photographer's mark is inscribed in bottom right corner of photograph.

Collage photograph containing large portrait of Pope Pius IX in the center and surrounded by 46 cameo photos of hierarchy and clergy, mainly associated with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
There are photos of Archbishop Bayley of Baltimore; Bishop…

Photograph of exterior of the Convent of Our Lady of Angels, Glen Riddle (Aston), PA. Photographer unknown.

Title devised by cataloger. Inscribed in bottom left corner of photograph: "Thompson Photo Co. Poughkeepsie N.Y. No. 2201."

Photograph of dinner at The National Council of Catholic Women Annual Convention on October 7, 1931. Photographer's mark appears in bottom right corner.

Photograph of clergy luncheon at the annual congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Photographer's mark appears in bottom left corner.

Photograph of the delegates attending the 7th National Congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Photographer's mark appears in bottom left corner.

Photograph of American College students. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of wax depiction of the crucifixion. This was the only exhibit remaining after a fire at the Temple Theatre and Egyptian Musee. Printed in bottom left corner of photograph: "Copyright 1887 by Geo. C. Brotherton" (i.e., George Childs…

Oval portrait print of James Roosevelt Bayley, first bishop of Newark, 8th Archbishop of Baltimore. Fragment of paper adhered to bottom of recto reads: "James R. Bayley, D.[D.] [?] Oct. 30th, 1853; promo[?] [?]2; died Oct. 3rd, 1877. [?] Newark"…

Photographer's signature appears in bottom right corner and reads "Photo by E. DeSouza, Washington, D.C."

Photograph of the Alumni of the North American College, Rome, at the Vatican for a papal audience, June 13, 1909. It appears like the photograph was taken in front of the American College building. Center is Archbishop Kennedy (Phila.), Rector. Left…

Group photograph of what appears to be the American heriarchy of the Catholic Church. Standing in front of a building (Catholic University?). Title devised by cataloger. Photographer's mark appears on verso.

Photograph of Silver Anniversary Dinner in honor of Msgr. Casimir F. Lawniczak, pastor of St. John Cantius Parish (Polish), Philadelphia, Pa. Photographer's mark appears in bottom right corner.

Photograph of the Annual Convention of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America at the Pennsylvania Hotel in New York City. Photographer's mark appears in bottom right corner.

Photograph of group of men including Archbishop Dougherty, possibly Cardinal Mercier, and others. Photographer unknown. Title devised by cataloger. Photograph likely from Mercier's 1920 trip to Philadelphia.

Autographed studio portrait photograph of Archbishop Edmond F. Prendergast of Philadelphia. Signed by S. J. Castuer (?).

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Prendergast. Signed by S. J. Castuer (?) and dated 1914 in bottom left corner.

Photograph of outdoor service conducted by Archbishop Edmond F. Prendergast. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Abp. Prendergast-Procession.tif
Photograph of Archbishop Prendergast in religious procession. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Archbishop Prendergast in procession with other clergy. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Archbishop Prendergast in religious procession with other clergy. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Archbishop Prendergast in religious procession with two other clergy. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Archbishop Prendergast in procession at cornerstone laying of new St. Veronica's Church on November 4, 1904. Stamped below photograph: "Compliments of the Philadelphia Inquirer". Photographer unknown.

Religious procession which includes Archbishop Edmond Prendergast (blurred). Photo is labelled on verso as his installation. Does not indicate installation as auxiliary bishop or Archbishop. The procession includes many clerics. Undated.

Portrait photograph of Most Rev. John Gannon, Bishop of Erie, Pa. Autographed to Msgr. Joseph McGlinn: "Joseph McGlinn, the young Monsignor for whom my esteem and admiration deepens and grows each time I see him. John Mark Gannon, Archbishop-Bishop,…

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Signature in bottom right corner reads "Copyrighted by David O'Hara".

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Photographer unknown.

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Inscribed in bottom left quadrant: "Copyright 1886 by O. B. de M."

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan. Photographer's stamp appears in bottom right corner and reads: "Copyright O. B. de M."

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Prendergast (seated). Note inscribed below photograph reads "Yours faithfully in Christ, E. F. Prendergast, Abp. of Phila." Photographer's mark appears in bottom right corner.

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Prendergast (seated). Photographer's mark appears in bottom right corner.

Very large portrait photograph of Archbishop Prendergast. Inscribed in bottom left corner of photograph: "Copyright 1897 by F. Gutekunst".

Very large portrait photograph of Archbishop Prendergast. Photographer unknown. Title devised by cataloger.

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick Ryan. Title devised by cataloger. Printed in bottom left of photograph: "Copyrighted 1901 R. Cameron McConnell".

Photograph of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia meeting in Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. to protest the persecution of the Catholic Church in Mexico, February 24, 1935. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia meeting in Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. to protest the persecution of the Catholic Church in Mexico, February 24, 1935. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Bishop Gerald P. O'Hara, Cardinal Dougherty, and Msgr. Francis X. Wastl at the Exhibit for the Blind. Photographer's stamp appears on verso.

Group photograph of Augustinian Capitulars at Villanova College, July 1890. Note on verso reads: "Photo of Chapter Fathers at Provincial Chapter, Villanova from Sunday, July 21, [18]90-Thursday [July] 24." Photographer's mark appears in bottom left…

Villanova 1886.jpg
Group photograph of Augustinian Chapter Fathers on steps of Villanova College, July 1886. Individuals are identified by last name at bottom of photograph in ink. Photographer's mark appears in bottom left corner.

Villanova 1890 March.jpg
Group photograph of eight Augustinians clerics. March 1890. Date taken from note on verso. Photographer unknown.

Meagher, Collins, Waldron, Neno, Donnelly, Sheeran, Dailey, Crane, harnett, Stullen, Galberry, Stanton, Edge.jpg
Group photograph of Augustinian Fathers at Villanova College, summer 1867. Individuals are identified by name at the bottom of the photograph. A note inscribed in the bottom right corner reads: "N.B. All marked with a cross are dead at this writing.…

Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament outside the walls of Immaculate Conception Chapel on the feast of Corpus Christi in 1887.

Photograph from St. Vincent's Orphanage in the Tacony section of Philadelphia, Pa., showing a birthday celebration with four children and one adult. Title devised by cataloger. Photograph of original.

Photograph taken in Nueva Segovia, Philippine Islands. Bishop Dougherty with four of his pioneer band. Seated next to him is Bishop MacGinley and on the extreme right is Bishop Carroll. Standing are Bishop Gercke and on his left Bishop McCloskey,…

Photograph of Cardinal Dougherty and group of young men and clergy in Vigan, Ilocano, Philippines. Taken at the College-Seminary of Vigan. To Dougherty's right, Fr Carroll. Probably taken in the month of October, as evidenced by the “October medals”…

Portrait photograph (full length) of Bishop Edmond Prendergast of Philadelphia. Appears to have been taken when he was still a priest, before he was made a bishop. Signed under photograph: "O. B. De Morat, No. 2 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia". Title…

Portrait photograph of Bishop Edwin Byrne, Bishop of Ponce, Puerto Rico (1925-1929); San Juan, Puerto Rico (1929-1943); and Archbishop of Santa, Fe, New Mexico (1943-1963). Signed by Richard T. Dooner.

Portrait photograph of Bishop Francesco Satolli. Clothing details have been hand-painted with white paint. Photographer's mark appears toward bottom right of portrait; stamp appears to bottom left of portrait.

Portrait photograph (color) of Bishop Francis Bible Schulte. Photographer unknown.
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